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Bangladesh is making irresistible progress

Bangladesh has migrated from Least Developed Countries (LDCs) to developing countries. The United Nations Committee on Economic and Social Development Policy (CDP) on March 15 officially announced Bangladesh's eligibility for transition from the LDCs. In order to move from the LDC category, per capita income, human resource index and economic fragility index are the conditions for achieving any two of these three indicators, but Bangladesh has improved to the criteria of the three indicators.

According to the criteria of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC), the per capita income of a country should be at least 1230 US dollars, the per capita income of Bangladesh is much higher than that i.e. 1610 US dollars. Although the human resource index needs 8, Bangladesh has achieved 72 decimal 9. The economic fragility index should be 32 percent or less where Bangladesh has 24.6 percent.

Achievements in the development of women and children
"National Women's Development Policy-2011" has been formulated for the overall development of women. Stipend activities have been introduced from primary to secondary level to encourage women's education. Various steps have been taken to ensure women's participation at every level of society. In order to facilitate women's entry into the world of technology, a male entrepreneur as well as a female entrepreneur has been hired as an entrepreneur in union based information services like Union Digital Center. The overall rights of children have been protected through the formulation of "National Children's Policy-2011". One Stop Crisis Cell has been set up in 40 district headquarters hospitals and 20 upazila health complexes. 15 Child Development Centers have been set up for the overall development of destitute, orphaned and helpless street children. Hon'ble Prime Minister of the Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina has been awarded the United Nations South-South Award for her role in the development of women and children in the country through the use of information technology.


Source: Multi Sectoral Program on Violence Against Women



Achieving women's empowerment
Overcoming the bitter past of women's deprivation, Bangladesh has come a long way in empowering women. Bangladesh is now the second largest country in the world in the garment industry. And the lion's share of the workers in this industry are women. Microfinance has made an unprecedented contribution to rural development and women's empowerment in Bangladesh. And over 60% of microfinance borrowers are women. The government of Bangladesh has inspired women entrepreneurs in many ways.


Formation of Digital Bangladesh
The Government of Bangladesh has taken all the groundbreaking steps to make the dream of Digital Bangladesh a reality. Union Digital Centers have been set up in 4550 Union Parishads of the country with the aim of providing government services through the use of technology at the grassroots level. Created one of the largest national web portals in the world. The number of these portals from central level to union level is about 25000. All the upazilas of the country have been brought under the Internet. Due to various steps taken in the field of telecommunication, the number of mobile subscribers in Bangladesh has increased to 12 crore 36 lakh (1) and the number of internet subscribers has increased to 4 crore 48 lakh (2). E-payment and mobile banking have been introduced to make the service delivery process easier and more transparent. The process of conducting government procurement process online has been institutionalized. Commercial activities of 3G mobile network have been started.

 Source: 1, 2


Achieving achievement in agriculture and self-sufficiency in food

Bangladesh has been repeatedly discussed in the world court for some unprecedented achievements in the field of agriculture. Bangladesh with a population of about 160 million is now self-sufficient in food. Paddy production in Bangladesh has increased by about 5 million metric tons in recent years. The Prime Minister and the Minister of Agriculture under the direct patronage of the scientist. Maksudul Alam has discovered the genome sequencing of jute. Genome sequencing of only 18 plants in the world so far, including Dr. Maqsood did it at 3 o'clock. This unique achievement of his has made the people of Bangladesh proud.


Achievements in the development of expatriate workers
At present, Bangladesh employs more than 6 lakh workers in 156 countries of the world. Bangladesh has set a unique example in the process of sending workers abroad. Expatriate Welfare Bank has been set up in 6 divisional cities of the country with the aim of providing low interest immigration loans. The bank has disbursed Rs. 205 million in immigration loans till April 2014. Registration of people from grassroots level across the country has been done using information technology so that people in remote areas of the country can avail this service and at low cost without harassment by middlemen. Workers have been able to go to other countries, including Malaysia.


Bangladesh in UN peace mission
Since Bangladesh joined the UN peacekeeping mission in 1986, it has successfully conducted its operations in 64 peace missions in 39 countries. So far, Bangladesh has been at the forefront of the 115 countries participating in various activities in the UN peacekeeping mission.


Success in the power sector
Among the notable achievements of Bangladesh in the power sector is the addition of additional 6,323 MW (1) power to the national grid, which has increased the number of beneficiaries of electricity from 48 per cent to 62 per cent (2). At the same time, the per capita power generation has increased from 220 kWh to 348 kWh (3) hours. New power connections have been provided to 35 lakh customers. 75 new (4) power plants have been constructed.

 Sources: 1,2,3,4



Achievements in industry and commerce
Along with Bangladesh's garment industry, the housing, shipping, pharmaceutical, and processed food industries have expanded. Ships, medicines and various processed food items have been added to the list of Bangladesh's export products. Bangladesh's IT industry has gained an unprecedented reputation abroad. Recently, in the financial year 2013-2014, the IT industry of Bangladesh has exceeded the export income of 100 million US dollars.
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This is a major achievement in the implementation of the government's vision 2021, 'Today's transition from a war-torn country - where there is a history of crossing the path of a friend'. This has been made possible by the courageous and progressive development strategy of Bangladesh under the visionary leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina which has brought Bangladesh on the path of rapid development through overall economic growth, structural transformation and significant social progress.

Bangladesh is moving forward with the goal of becoming a middle-income country by 2021 and a developed-prosperous country by 2041.

In less than 50 years of its existence, Bangladesh is going to show success like the launch of high speed Bangabandhu Satellite-1. It comes up how the father of the nation united the whole nation for independence, how the dream of the father of the nation from a war-torn country is going to turn into the golden Bengal. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's dynamic leadership, long term plan, achievement of MDGs, implementation of SDGs including education, health, gender equality, agriculture, poverty reduction, life expectancy, average life expectancy, export oriented industrialization, 100 special economic zones, garment industry, pharmaceutical industry, export earnings Economic indicators. Mega projects of the country including Padma Bridge, Rooppur Nuclear Power Station, Pigeon Deep Sea Port, Dhaka Metrorail. It reflected the exalted call of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, "Let us all, irrespective of party affiliation, unite to build a better, happier and more prosperous Bangladesh for the next generation."

Source: Bangladesh News Agency (BSS)


Bangladesh's achievement

Despite being a small developing country, Bangladesh has already become a role model for the world in its integrated management of natural disasters, its use of micro-credit and its role in poverty alleviation, transparency and fairness in conducting elections, popularization, positive changes in social and economic indicators. Born in exchange for the blood of 3 million martyrs, this Bangladesh has had to overcome thousands of obstacles to get to where it is today. The statistics of the 43-year achievement of that newborn nation, which was devastated by war and had almost no infrastructure, are not insufficient. Among the six goals of the Millennium Development Goals, Bangladesh has been able to make significant progress in education, child mortality reduction and poverty reduction. Nobel laureate Indian economist Amartya Sen's remarks are noteworthy in this regard. According to him, in some cases, Bangladesh has a surprising success. In particular, education facilities, women's empowerment, reduction of maternal and child mortality and birth rates, provision of toilets and health facilities for the poor and immunization of children are among the activities.


Achievements in education
One of the steps taken by the government of Bangladesh to spread education at all levels is the distribution of free books among 100% of the students. Stipend system has been introduced from primary to secondary level to advance women's education. At present 26 thousand 193 primary schools have been re-nationalized. A significant number of teacher jobs have been made official. In 1990, the percentage of children enrolled in school was 61, now it has increased to 96.6 percent. The Education Assistance Trust Act, 2012 has been enacted and the "Education Assistance Trust" has been set up to ensure the education of the poor and meritorious students who are deprived of the benefits of education.

Source: Department of Primary Education


Success in healthcare

In this regard, Bangladesh has taken its place as one of the ideal countries in the world for the success of the child immunization program. "National Health Policy-2011" has been formulated to keep the health sector up-to-date. 12,089 (1) community clinics have been set up to ensure health care for the poor at the grassroots level. 312 (2) upazila hospitals have been upgraded to 50 beds. The number of beds in medical colleges and district hospitals has been increased by 2,000. Maternal and infant mortality and birth rates have been reduced at a significant rate. The infant mortality rate has come down from 149 in 1990 to 53 (3). With the aim of bringing healthcare to the doorsteps of the people, 12 new (4) medical colleges have been constructed and more than 48,000 manpower has been recruited.

 Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4